Since this is a blog focused on my girls, and I have told family members that I would use it to keep them up to date on my chickies, I guess its time to start doing that!
Alexis is a few weeks away from three and a half! I can’t believe how time has flown! There are certain faces and things that Addison does, that are the exact thing Alexis used to to at the same age and in that moment I am carried back to when my Alexis was a babe. Like I have said before, Alexis is my drama queen, my sensitive one. She is learning how to spell her name. She is has her colors, numbers to about 15 and shapes down pat. (Although when asked she will pretend she doesn’t know them!) Thanks to her time with school, she is learning her numbers in Spanish and the days of the week. Alexis is a very imaginative kid and her current playtime activity is pretending to be a cat. She can get quite loud, which sometimes I love and sometimes drives this mamma nuts! Another thing she loves is singing. She makes up her own songs regularly. She has recently started to sing with the songs I play in the car.
Addison is 7 months old today. She is such a joy! I have never met a more happy, content baby! Last week, she was 12.5 pounds and 24 and 1/2 inches long. She is slowly dropping off the weight and height scale so between now and her next check up, there are a few weight checks thrown in. She is loving her baby food. She eats applesauce, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, and mango. She is almost sitting up. She still is a little wobbly but is slowly getting there. She likes to be on the floor and spin like a top to wherever the action is. She especially loves her big sissy! Alexis does a great job of entertaining her!
Alexis and Addison at a recent wedding! Aren’t they beautiful!?!?
I cannot believe Addison!!! It has been since Logan's birthday party since I've seen her - she looks so "old" !!!!