Saturday, May 8, 2010

Addison’s Birth Story


The birth of Addison was so different than Alexis. With Alexis, I was in active labor for 47 hours before it was decided to deliver via c-section. With the birth of Addison, I wanted to try and have her naturally. The morning of the 17th, I was induced. By the evening, I had made NO progress what so ever. Gary and I decided that we would stop and have a c-section the next day. The next morning, I was so nervous I was shaking till the the spinal kicked in. I kept on thinking about what the Dr. was doing to me which is never a good thing! Once the surgery started I just kept listening for Addison's cry. Once I heard that, I started crying and they popped her head over the screen so I could see her. All I could comment on was her hair! The spinal started wearing off at that point. That was when I started feeling what the Dr. was doing too. The Dr’s started pumping the painkillers. I had 3 or 4 rounds of morphine plus a few other drugs. Until the meds started kicking in again, I concentrated on my breathing and controlling my emotions. They kicked in right before I had to be put to sleep. Gary was with me and he was getting upset watching me in pain. He was such a rock. He kept praying. Praying over me and praying over Addison. Once the med’s kicked in and I started to get loopy, Gary kept going back and forth between me and her, telling me her size and showing me pictures. The best thing was listening to her cry since I couldn’t hold her. I spent an hour in recovery then on the way back to my room, they took me by the NICU and let me look at her. She is a beautiful baby. So chubby and with such dark hair and skin! By that evening, I was able to get into a wheelchair and visit her for a while.



I am sitting on the edge of a life changing event. Tomorrow I will be induced to give birth to my second daughter, Addison. There are so many emotions going through me right now. First and foremost, I am excited! Spending the past few days in the Birthplace, hearing the babies cry, listening to Braham’s Lullaby played has made me yearn to hold this little one. To meet her, start to get to know her, to watch Gary with her and see her big sister meet her for the first time. I am ready to take her home and begin a new life together. Second, I am nervous. I have been told by nurses, the doctor by friends that this labor will be much different than my last. I am praying that my body is ready, that I can handle the pain, that I can keep a clear head through the entire process. Lastly I am scared. Alexis was born c-section and it was a great experience. My recovery went well and I had no adverse side effects from it so I naturally want to fall back onto that because I know it was good once! I am afraid of the pain that comes with laboring. I am afraid of going through the process. I know I can do this though. I feel the Lord’s strength in my stronger and stronger and I know he will lift me up and guide me.


Dear Gary,

I can’t even begin to put down in words how incredible you are. You are my rock. Exactly who I need. I would not be able to live this life without you. I love you more than any words can say my SB.


Dear Alexis,

My Big little girl. My miracle baby. You are so precious to my heart. My life was incomplete until you and your daddy came along. I love your laugh, your attitude. I love watching you change and learn new things. I have never been more proud to be called your mamma.


Dear Addison,

I don’t know you but I love you deeply. I was afraid this would be a struggle for me because I feel so much love for your sister but there is so much love for you too. I can’t wait to see your little face, to know what your eye’s look like and what color your hair is!


I Love all three of you so much, so much!