Thursday, November 18, 2010

Little Girls Update

Since this is a blog focused on my girls, and I have told family members that I would use it to keep them up to date on my chickies, I guess its time to start doing that!


Alexis is a few weeks away from three and a half! I can’t believe how time has flown! There are certain faces and things that Addison does, that are the exact thing Alexis used to to at the same age and in that moment I am carried back to when my Alexis was a babe. Like I have said before, Alexis is my drama queen, my sensitive one. She is learning how to spell her name. She is has her colors, numbers to about 15 and shapes down pat. (Although when asked she will pretend she doesn’t know them!) Thanks to her time with school, she is learning her numbers in Spanish and the days of the week. Alexis is a very imaginative kid and her current playtime activity is pretending to be a cat. She can get quite loud, which sometimes I love and sometimes drives this mamma nuts! Another thing she loves is singing. She makes up her own songs regularly. She has recently started to sing with the songs I play in the car.


Addison is 7 months old today. She is such a joy! I have never met a more happy, content baby! Last week, she was 12.5 pounds and 24 and 1/2 inches long. She is slowly dropping off the weight and height scale so between now and her next check up, there are a few weight checks thrown in. She is loving her baby food. She eats applesauce, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, and mango. She is almost sitting up. She still is a little wobbly but is slowly getting there. She likes to be on the floor and spin like a top to wherever the action is. She especially loves her big sissy! Alexis does a great job of entertaining her!



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Alexis and Addison at a recent wedding! Aren’t they beautiful!?!?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Midnight Adventures

Gary and I seem to have lots of “fun” stuff happen with our girls in the middle of the night. Whenever Alexis gets sick, its in the middle of the night. When Addison is fussy, its in the middle of the night. Just the other night, we discovered a mouse in the house right before bed and were up late trying to figure out where it was hiding. (Well Gary was looking, I was being a chicken and cowering on the couch! I was so OK with throwing out every blessed thing in my living room!) Well this past Friday little did I know but another “adventure” was about to knock me on my butt. Gary and I usually end our weeks with a movie and popcorn and this past Friday was no different. It was interrupted a few times by Addison due to Flu Shot + Teething. Earlier in the day when I was getting Addison up for the day, I smelled a funny smell in the girls room. Thinking a plastic hair clip fell in our baseboard heat, I turned it off and went about my business. Gary was heading home from work early so clean after that lovely visitor, the mouse, so I asked him to check the heater. He did and pulled out a Littlest Pet Shop Cat with a burnt head! Yay! Problem solved! For once it was an easy fix! Yea right! Not so much! Midnight rolled around and Gary and I were heading to bed when I noticed the smell was back! So off Gary goes, hunting with a flashlight in our baseboard heater, while Alexis slept and I bounced and slightly annoyed little girl. After a good twenty minutes of hunting, finally he did find a hair clip……melted beyond recognition. Finally, the smell is gone and I won’t have to hear Alexis complain about the “yuck smell” again!


Lets hope tonight is another adventure less night! (Because I know another one is lurking around the corner!)

Friday, November 5, 2010

In love!

Now Addison is a drooler. Not a day goes by that we go through any less than 6 bibs. There is usually an outfit change some where in there too! She usually looks a bit unkempt because of the drool and now stains have come along with eating baby food. (Last week I made blueberry baby food for her. Not the best choice when it comes to stainage!) Today I was checking out my usual sites when I checked out this one…

I love this website! My budget hasn’t allowed me to take advantage of any deals but I am planning on it in the future! Well, lo and behold, today they have bibs on sale. I know, ho hum! Its a bib! But you have to check these out! They are four-in-one bibs made by this company…

Featuring these bibs!




I am in LOVE! Not only are they the most adorable things ever but how ingenious! Four sides to the bib will solve all my drool and eating issues! Unfortunately, when I happened upon the site, they were sold out but I can’t wait to get me some!