Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am a rocking Mamma

I LOVE to rock my girls in the rocking chair. We rock when we read books. We rock when its time to sleep. We rock in the morning when its time to get up. Alexis still loves to rock. Its part of her bedtime routine. She picks out a book then Gary or I will read and rock with her while she has a little bit of milk. Its a wonderful time of my night, to relax and let all the stress of the day just go away. I don’t get to rock with Addison as much. The rocker is in Allie’s room so its not always ideal to rock with Addison. Tonight though, Alexis was busy playing in the basement. She set out a huge picnic lunch for her friends from school and she was pretending to be Ms. April. Addison had her evening bottle and I thought I would take advantage of the situation. My little peanut and I headed upstairs and we were able to sit and rock. I started singing my favorite song to sing to my girls, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray…” Addison just laid in my arms and listened. When I finished she gave me the sweetest smile. It was a great moment, the kind that melts a mamma’s heart……Then she shot spit up all over the front of my shirt and grinned. I had to laugh. Isn’t it great to have to special sweet moments with your kids and be able to laugh at the inconvenient stuff too?!?!

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