Thursday, January 28, 2010

I a cow! Mooooo!


I was putting Allie to bed tonight and we were chatting in bed before I tucked her in. She was telling me about her friends at school, particularly a little boy that wasn’t being so nice today. Here is the rest of our conversation…


Allie - “I Gigi!”


Mamma (laughing) - “No your not!”


Allie - “I Uncle Seff”


Mamma (still laughing) - “No your not! Your to little!”


Allie (completely straight faced) - “I a cow! Moooooo!”


She cracked herself up, laughing hysterically for about 5 minutes and making me laugh so hard I almost peed myself!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter to Allie


My precious little girl,

I am watching you sleep right now. How special it is that even though I have to work, I am able to spend my time with you. I put you down for your afternoon nap almost every day. Its a special time for you and I to take a break and cuddle. Today you had a nice surprise waiting for me, a big poop. You told me in your little two year old voice and oh so serious, “Its a big one Mamma!” You brought a smile to my face.


Last night we had a special moment with Baby Addison. Before you go to bed, I rock you and we read a book, maybe sing a song. You usually will pull my shirt up to see my belly and say a special good night to Addison. Last night we sang to her. We sang “You Are My Sunshine” All while we sang, Addison wiggled and squirmed. She is going to look up to her big sister.


Have sweet dreams my little girl!

Kisses from your Mamma!

Monday, January 25, 2010

- I start 26 weeks today in my pregnancy. This morning, Addison was waking up and I could feel her rubbing her foot against my belly. I love the feeling of her moving inside of me. I love when she responds to me or to Gary with a kick or wiggle.

- Alexis and I went grocery shopping today. All through the grocery store she sang ‘5 Little Monkeys” at the top of her lungs! She was enjoying herself so much that I didn’t have the heart to quiet her. So I let her sing…And joined in with her!

- I am finding that as I go through this pregnancy, I am less stressed about it. This pregnancy has brought more challenges like bleeding at 13 weeks, more sickness and heartburn and less energy. Maybe having a 2 year old distracts me more from it. Maybe the Lord has placed in woman more and more strength to use as life gets more difficult with children.

- Small Groups have started and Gary and I are leading one this semester. Its a group for Young Couples and I am very excited about it. I am praying the Lord brings healing and strength to the couples in our group.

- Testimony!!!! A few days before Christmas, Gary and I were running errands after work. I had the laptop in the back seat and when Gary moved the seat back, he crushed part of the motherboard! Stink! Out of that though we were able to get two rebuilt computers and one brand new one all for under $800! Praise the Lord!

- Today I attended the memorial service of a great woman, Tammy Roman. She was and incredible woman of faith that battled with Lung Cancer for 6 years. When she accepted the Lord, he completely healed her but the cancer came back quite a few times before her passing. I only pray I can have the faith she did. Its a daily struggle to have faith to believe in healing of diabetes. Her faith was tested beyond what I could handle and yet she held on! Lord, give me that kind of faith!